CPD Asbestos Awareness Courses

CPD Asbestos Awareness Courses

10 Jun 2022

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Asbestos had been an increasingly popular mineral fibre that was used in various materials due to its durability. In recent years this once popular fibre has been banned by various countries due to its hazardous nature. In this article, we will be providing an overview of what Asbestos is, the dangers it can impose on an individual and the benefits of taking an asbestos awareness CPD course.

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a group of six naturally occurring minerals which are made up of thin, microscopic fibres. Its popularity rose in the 1900s as Asbestos offers heat and chemical resistance, fireproofing and strength. It was used in many home and business construction materials, automotive parts, and even textiles. Its popularity started to diminish in the late 1980s when it was found to be dangerous and the cause of health problems in many individuals.

Asbestos can be found in soil and rocks all over the world. Although it became increasingly popular in the 1900s, it has actually been used for thousands of years. Its popularity increased in recent years as it was being more frequently mined for industrial purposes, starting in Canada and making its way to the USA, Russia, and South Africa etc. Although mining of asbestos is still taking place in some countries, most have banned the production and exportation of the fibre due to it being a serious health hazard.

It has been used in a variety of building construction materials, primarily for insulation and as a fire retardant. Fibres are microscopic so they are not visible to the naked eye. It is also unable to be smelled/tasted so if a material is suspected to contain asbestos, it must be tested in a lab to see if it is present or not.

Where can asbestos be found?

  • Hot water and steam pipes
  • Heat-resistant fabrics
  • Car clutches and brakes
  • Vinyl floor tiles
  • Roofing
  • Oil and coal furnaces

Why do you need to be aware of it in your homes/building?

It is important to know if there is a presence of asbestos in a home or building as it is hazardous. If it remains untouched then the dangers of asbestos are low, however, when it is disturbed the microscopic fibres release into the air. If the fibres are inhaled they can put people at risk of developing asbestos-related diseases later in life.

Friable Asbestos

Friable Asbestos is hazardous as it has a larger possibility of crumbling apart leading to more toxic fibres releasing into the air. Some friable materials include; spray coating, insulation boards and thermal insulation. The materials can become friable overtime due to the age of the material or they can just be natural friable.

Non-Friable Asbestos

Non-friable asbestos differs from friable as it is less likely to release harmful fibres into the air. If material is subject to harsh treatment (such as a building being demolished) the risk of exposure increases.

Asbestos removal from building

How much Asbestos is dangerous?

Any amount of asbestos exposure is dangerous as once fibres are inhaled, they do not dissolve and the body has a hard time getting rid of them. The latency period for asbestos diseases is 10 to 40 years, which makes it incredibly difficult to know if you have been exposed or not. The risks of developing illnesses such as asbestosis and lung cancer increase depending on how much asbestos you were exposed to and the duration. However, one disease that is different to the others is mesothelioma. Individuals exposed to asbestos even in very small amounts can develop mesothelioma which is an aggressive type of cancer which does not have a cure.

Asbestos-Related Diseases:

  • Mesothelioma
  • Lung Cancer
  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Asbestosis
  • Laryngeal Cancer

Symptoms of Asbestos-Related Diseases:

  • Persistent coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pain in chest or shoulder 

What do you learn on an asbestos awareness course?

There are many CPD courses available to learn the importance of asbestos awareness. The courses will generally teach individuals about the types of asbestos, the risks of working with asbestos, recognise the types of materials that contain asbestos and teaching the necessary steps to minimise exposure to the hazardous product. CPD asbestos awareness courses can be completed by anybody, but may be of particular interest to workers in the refurbishment, maintenance and construction trades (electricians, plumbers). This type of course can also be useful for facility managers, health and safety advisors or architects as they have an influence on how work is carried out on properties.

If you are looking for CPD asbestos awareness courses that may be suitable, please have a look at our CPD Courses Catalogue where you will find a range of certified courses and training that meet the industry standards and benchmarks.

Benefits of completing a CPD asbestos awareness course?

It is very beneficial to complete a CPD asbestos awareness course for a number of reasons. As the latency period is so great, individuals who work in construction or property maintenance etc. can be more proactive in avoiding the risks of asbestos. An asbestos awareness course may also explain the legislation that regulates asbestos. Asbestos awareness course certificates generally last for one year from the date of completion. Although there is no legal requirement to take the course on an annual basis, it is beneficial to have refresher courses just to help ensure the awareness of asbestos is maintained.

We hope this article was helpful. The CPD Certification Service is the leading and largest CPD accreditation organisation working across all industry sectors. If you provide training courses, workshops, eLearning and virtual events that may be suitable for Continuing Professional Development, please contact our team to discuss in more detail.

Alternatively if you are looking for a free online CPD record tool to help manage, track and log your ongoing Continuing Professional Development, as well as store your personal training record and CPD attendance certificates in one simple place go to the myCPD Portal page.

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