A 12 week course designed for coaches and those working with an interest in supporting women through menopause. This will help them create breakthroughs with their journey and make long lasting impact in the world of menopause care. This course is for coaches who want to make a difference in the womens health space; help transform lives and give purpose back to help their clients achieve their happy and up-level their knowledge in menopause support. The unique structure of this course will take the learner on a journey through proven frameworks and leave them feeling confident.
I’m Adele Johnston, a certified nutritionist and positive psychology coach, passionate about helping women improve their menopause health and reclaim who you are without menopause taking over. Through my online global platform, I help busy women world-wide to not only enhance menopausal health, lose the unwanted menopause weight gain, master your thinking and mindset; but to connect with yourself on a powerful level to improve your relationships, happiness, career prospects and open new ways of living your most fulfilling life.