Taskforce 10 - Compressed Air Energy Efficiency Advisor
Online Course
British Compressed Air Society
About the CPD course
Members are perfectly placed to help the wider industry; from small to large organisations cut their compressed air energy. By completing all eight of our ‘Taskforce 10’ short development courses; you will be able to discuss how and why businesses should develop a strategy to drive down energy costs. From the smallest of leaks to larger investment in whole compressed air systems or more efficient machinery you can rely on a Compressed air specialist who will be able to guide you through suggested priorities. ‘Taskforce 10’ aim is to save the industry 10% of energy costs equivalent to £147.5 million.
In a world of constantly changing legislation and standards, BCAS plays a crucial role in driving progress in the compressed air industry.
Founded in 1930, the British Compressed Air Society is the only UK technical trade association open to manufacturers, distributors and end users of compressors, vacuum pumps, pneumatic tools and allied products.
Our role is to provide unbiased advice on legislation, technical standards, education, compliance, safety and environmental matters that affect suppliers and users of compressed air and vacuum systems.