Sexual abuse and disabled children: Prevention; identification; and response
Online Course
Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse
About the CPD course
Over the two days; the training will equip participants with an understanding of the specific needs of disabled young people; and the increased risks that they face regarding child sexual abuse across a range of locations and areas of their lives. The course will be grounded in a social understanding of disability and explore what this means; why it matters and how this can positively affect practice. It will enable participants to deepen their understanding of disability and how marginalisation and discrimination can affect the prevention; identification; and response to disabled children.
The Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse (CSA) has been established to help bring about significant and system-wide change in how child sexual abuse is responded to locally and nationally. We will do this by identifying, generating and sharing high quality evidence of what works to prevent and tackle Child Sexual Abuse (including Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)), to inform both policy and practice.
We are encouraging all sectors and organisational levels to engage with us, so that we can understand the needs of frontline staff, commissioners and those with responsibility for producing strategic responses to child sexual abuse. Our initial focus is child sexual exploitation; however our remit over the longer-term covers all forms of child sexual abuse.