Psychologically Informed Environments; Trauma Informed Care and strengths-based approaches
Training Course
Coastline Housing
About the CPD course
This face-to-face course develops an understanding of Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE); Trauma Informed Care (TIC) and strengths-based approaches. The key elements of PIE will be explored. This will enable the use of a framework that considers the psychological needs of those being supported. The understanding and use of the PIZZAZ assessment will be expanded through evaluating the value of reflective practice. The principles of TIC will be explored developing an awareness of trauma; its impact; and enabling TIC approaches to be used within the service. Strength-based approaches will also be discussed and an understanding of its basic principles will be developed through the practice of strengths-focused conversations. The overall aim of this course is to achieve better outcomes and a culture change that embeds a positive environment building on the strengths of the service.
Coastline is more than just a landlord. Our footprint extends beyond our homes and into local communities. We know we have a role to play in tackling stigma, deprivation and enabling life-enhancing opportunities for customers, ultimately improving quality of life, health and wellbeing. Coastline also offers work placements, employability programmes, a volunteer programme, neighbourhood and environment improvement projects, and much more. We work collaboratively with other organisations to this end including Building Futures, Fedcap and the local Jobcentres.