CPD Courses

Tenancy Ready

Training Course Coastline Housing

About the CPD course

Face to face course developing an understanding of how to become tenancy ready. This course will develop an understanding of the process and importance of Homechoice for those living in temporary accommodation. People will develop an understanding of the effects of antisocial behaviour and substance misuse when actively seeking a tenancy. During this course; people will also develop and discuss tips of money management and independent living skills. The overall aim is to ensure that those living in temporary accommodation are tenancy ready.

CPD Provider

Coastline Housing

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Coastline Housing

Coastline Housing

Coastline is more than just a landlord. Our footprint extends beyond our homes and into local communities. We know we have a role to play in tackling stigma, deprivation and enabling life-enhancing opportunities for customers, ultimately improving quality of life, health and wellbeing. Coastline also offers work placements, employability programmes, a volunteer programme, neighbourhood and environment improvement projects, and much more. We work collaboratively with other organisations to this end including Building Futures, Fedcap and the local Jobcentres.

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