This is a comprehensive training course designed to equip professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to undertake robust; fair; and case law-compliant age assessments. The primary goal of this training course is to help individuals; whether they are new to age assessments or experienced practitioners; understand the latest case law; best practices and a trauma-informed approach to age assessment. The training covers all aspects of the assessment process. This includes making decisions at initial points of contact with the individual in question and extends to the process of writing assessments that can withstand scrutiny in legal or administrative proceedings.
Empowered Social Work (ESOW) LTD is a dedicated company providing comprehensive immigration social work services. We specialize in age assessment training, human rights assessment training for appeals rights exhausted young people, triple planning training, appropriate adult and age assessment training, and bespoke immigration/Social Care -related training for separated children. We also supply experienced social workers for age assessment completion and appropriate adults for undertaking age assessments. Working closely with Local Authorities, Courts, Solicitor firms, charities, and voluntary organizations, we ensure effective collaboration to support vulnerable individuals. We can help you make a positive impact on the lives of separated children and enhance your professional skills in immigration social work field.