Everyone who works in a school must keep children safe; whether you are a teacher; an administrator; a cleaner; or within the site team. Safeguarding Children (Level 1) will concentrate on the fundamentals of safeguarding children and keeping the school premises safe and secure; and covers information from Keeping Children Safe in Education: Part 1 which all staff must read. The course is split into sections of content which will explain what effective safeguarding is; recognising safeguarding issues; what to do if you have concerns; and how to interact safely with others while keeping the school site safe and secure.
Every is all about making your day job more manageable through easy to use, practical software and professional support. Every is about empowerment, better decision making and more efficient ways of working, and our core values of simplicity, flexibility and scalability in the development of our software means that just about any organisation will benefit from their use of Every. We believe in celebrating collaboration and the sharing of best practice, and we regularly host training days and events, to give you the opportunity to network with fellow professionals and share how you use Every to solve the issues currently being faced in the education sector. Our expertise, knowledge and vision have helped us to create the winning combination of useful compliance and HR software with customer focus.