An AML course dedicated to Art Market Participants (AMPs) that hold the role of Money Laundering Reporting Officer/Nominated Officer (MLRO/NO) within the Art Sector. The course will provide you with an understanding of the MLRO/NO role and responsibilities that come with it.; including compliance with all statutory and regulatory obligations. It will explain the importance of drafting effective Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) and subsequent liaison with the National Crime Agency. As well as showing the MLRO/NO how to accurately assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the firm’s AML/CTF regime.
FCS Compliance (FCS) is an established specialist in the provision of AML compliance, consultancy and training for businesses covered by the Money Laundering Regulations – including estate agencies, law firms, property auctioneers, Art Market Participants and high-value dealers. The AML services are used across the UK by leading organisations and industry associations that demand the very highest standards.
The firm offers a comprehensive suite of practical solutions to ease the burden of AML compliance on regulated businesses and help them meet their legal obligations. The services include compliance health checks, the provision of written policies and procedures, risk assessments and training courses, as well as support through HMRC inspections and fully-outsourced customer due diligence (CDD) services. FCS work alongside regulated firms to alleviate anxiety, free up their time, promote best practice and help ensure a firm is compliant.