Electrosurgery (often referred to as Diathermy) has been in use since 1926. However, no formal training has been applied to the ‘Principles of Electrosurgery’. As a consequence, many unnecessary injuries occur both to Healthcare Professionals and Patients. Laser Technology calls for specific training and so Electrosurgery as a similar thermal energy device, should also have specific training. Indeed, many of the injuries might have been avoided had training been provided. Training covers: Basic Electricity/Electrosurgery, Monopolar, Bipolar, Patient Plates, Advanced Technology, Argon Plasma, Laparoscopy, Thermal Effects, Surgical Plume and Safety in Electrosurgery. Evidential Training is the Standard Practice.
HC Skills International is an approved education centre delivering a range of externally validated competence-based qualifications to the medical profession and healthcare industry that are internationally recognised.