Moving and Handling People in Health and Social Care
Online Course
High Speed Training
About the CPD course
This Moving and Handling People in Health and Social Care training course aims to teach the learner how to move and handle an individual safely; with dignity and without risking injury to the care worker or service user. As well as outlining risk assessments and normal human movement patterns; this course includes the key principles involved in moving and handling. It also shows different types of equipment learners may use including when they are used; how they are used and the preparatory checks that must be made.
High Speed Training provides a varied range of over 150 user-friendly, online training courses. Specialising in food safety, health and safety, safeguarding and business, our eLearning courses are built in-house by a team of authors and designers dedicated to producing online courses that make learning as simple as possible, whilst ensuring that there’s no compromise on the knowledge shared.