State of the Art Psychotherapy - Attachment and Trauma Congress 2023
Online Course
About the CPD course
We are finally facing a moment of increasing and deep integration between different approaches and perspectives in analysing human functioning. These experts will describe in detail different trauma intervention methods; allowing you to learn about the most comprehensive and up-to-date approaches on today's international scientific scene; within the broader framework of attachment as a lens to observe individual personality development.
ISC International organises worldwide Congresses, workshops and trainings with the best Experts on the Psychotherapy, and Interpersonal Neurobiology Field. ISC was founded in 2005 by Alessandro Carmelita and Valeria Idini, who aimed to offer highly qualified training services in the fields of psychotherapy and neuroscience. Their goal was meeting therapists’ need to constantly update their knowledge of the most advanced and efficient therapies from a scientific point of view.
The workshops, training and conferences that ISC organizes every year are attended by some of the most leading experts in the fields of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and Mindfulness, just to name a few. Additionally, the company is increasingly focusing on relational-based and, more specifically, attachment-based therapeutic approaches.