The Transforming Power of Emotion: An Emotion Focused Approach
Online Course
About the CPD course
The workshops will discuss the role of emotion and emotional awareness in function and dysfunction and methods of intervention to work with emotion in therapy. Participants will be introduced to the skills of moment by moment attunement to affect and the use of two chair dialogue for working on self-criticism. There's a growing interest in how to work with emotion in psychotherapy. Different schools have developed different perspectives and different methods which were compared in a recent book (Greenberg; Thompson & Malberg; 2018). This workshop will take a further step by offering a trans-diagnostic; trans-theoretical perspective to working with emotion.
ISC International organises worldwide Congresses, workshops and trainings with the best Experts on the Psychotherapy, and Interpersonal Neurobiology Field. ISC was founded in 2005 by Alessandro Carmelita and Valeria Idini, who aimed to offer highly qualified training services in the fields of psychotherapy and neuroscience. Their goal was meeting therapists’ need to constantly update their knowledge of the most advanced and efficient therapies from a scientific point of view.
The workshops, training and conferences that ISC organizes every year are attended by some of the most leading experts in the fields of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and Mindfulness, just to name a few. Additionally, the company is increasingly focusing on relational-based and, more specifically, attachment-based therapeutic approaches.