The Stages of the Forsell Surgical Technique for the Implantica RefluxStopTM Device
Online Course
About the CPD course
This course provides a comprehensive overview of a laparoscopic surgical procedure utilizing the Reflux Stop™ System to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The procedure involves several key steps; including cruroplasty; mobilization of the fundus to create a 'floppy fundus;' and reconstruction of the angle of His for a patent gastroesophageal flap valve. The Reflux Stop™ Device is carefully placed and secured within the fundus; ensuring that the esophageal sphincter is supported without impeding the food passageway. Detailed dissection techniques are taught to achieve the necessary esophageal length and to prepare the fundus for the device; with emphasis on avoiding tension and preserving the integrity of the stomach wall.
Implantica is a MedTech group dedicated to bringing advanced technology into the body. Implantica also focuses on eHealth inside the body and has developed a broad, patent protected, product pipeline based partly on two platform technologies: an eHealth platform designed to monitor a broad range of health parameters, control treatment from inside the body and communicate to the caregiver on distance and a wireless energizing platform designed to power remote-controlled implants wirelessly through intact skin.