CPD Courses

An Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences and Becoming a Trauma Informed Community Training

Training Course J3MS Consulting Ltd

About the CPD course

This series of 3 inter-related learning modules is designed for those wishing to expand their knowledge; understanding and practice around adverse childhood experiences; (ACEs) and become a trauma informed community. Community has the widest context and refers to any type of community including professional and geographical. Module 1 explores the global evidence base around ACEs and their impact on neurodevelopment; Module 2 examines what a trauma informed response is and how to apply it practically; Module 3 expands on how develop a more trauma informed community and includes learning around confident conversations; trauma informed communication and community wellbeing.

CPD Provider

J3MS Consulting Ltd

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J3MS Consulting Ltd

J3MS Consulting Ltd

Bespoke Training and Consultancy providers. We work with Police, Criminal Justice, Education, Governments and others to transform their organisations and people into trauma informed practitioners.

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