CPD Courses


Training Course Northwick Park Institute For Medical Research

About the CPD course

The course; which includes 33.5 hours of hands on training; has been established in 1979 and since then NPIMR has taught microsurgery to over 5000 surgeons. The programme is designed to gradually stretch the skills in each surgeon as the course. All participants have a Zeiss microscope with an attached viewing tube so that observations can be made by the tutors in real time. A manual is supplied prior to attending the course so participants can familiarise with the exercises; while in-house DVDs are used to demonstrate the exercises and each exercise is explained fully before execution.

CPD Provider

Northwick Park Institute For Medical Research

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Northwick Park Institute For Medical Research

Northwick Park Institute For Medical Research

Founded in 1994, NPIMR is today one of the UK’s leading charity-based independent Medical Research Institutes working to translate ground-breaking pre-clinical Medical Research rapidly into patient care. By maintaining our own top-rate research facilities and providing excellence in surgical training, we ensure the highest standard of science for translation into the clinic. NPIMRs scientific and research team is providing high quality studies to propel your research, through the most appropriate models, into the market place. We are conveniently sited next to London North West Healthcare NHS Trust which includes St Marks Hospital a world famous specialist hospital in the treatment of bowel disease. This proximity ensures that introductions can be made and advice sort from clinicians to further enhance the progress of your product.

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