The Mindful Natal® Short Course for Midwives (and student midwives) has been designed to support you to learn about the importance of individualised care and incorporate Mindful Natal® tools into your day-to-day support for expectant families. We are a national antenatal course provider and this midwife-focused course aims to align parent and care-giver approaches to birth preparation and on-the-day-support. These simple but effective tools/considerations can make an incredible difference to someone’s birthing experience; which will likely impact their postnatal recovery journey and the rest of their lives.
The Mindful Birth Group® training courses equip professionals to support parents with unbiased, evidence-based information to help them on their birthing and postnatal journey. Whether it's to train to teach classes or incorporate the information, tools and techniques into the day-to-day care of expectant parents.
We focus on the Mindful Birth Power of 3: Options (informed decision making), Body (what happens during birth and postnatal recovery) and Mind (the mind-body connection and using mindfulness and hypnobirthing tools to support the process) so that Mindful Birth certified professionals are able to empower parents to take control of areas that are within their control and let go of things that are not. This will in turn reduce the risk of trauma which comes from fear, not knowing what is happening to them and feeling out of control during their birthing experience.