CPD Courses

Navigating Biodiversity Net Gain

Webinar Tunley Environmental

About the CPD course

Join us for an insightful CPD presentation on Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG); designed to equip attendees with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills. Learn the intricacies of BNG compliance; exploring the Environmental Act 2021 and BNG Regulations. Learn how to conduct BNG assessments; including data requirements and the assessment process. Gain insights into the BNG Metric 4.0 and differentiate between onsite and offsite BNG. Through a compelling case study; witness real-life applications of BNG assessments. By the end of the session; participants will be empowered to navigate the BNG landscape effectively and contribute to biodiversity conservation efforts.

CPD Provider

Tunley Environmental

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Tunley Environmental

Tunley Environmental

We are a team of Scientists who help other organisations reduce their impact on the environment.

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