Sustainability 101 is a tailored course for working professionals that introduces fundamental sustainability principles necessary to accelerate 2030 sustainability targets within organisations. It explores the interconnectedness of people; planet; and profit and is an essential course for rapidly increasing eco-literacy levels across entire organisations. By the end of this course; you will know how to differentiate between common sustainability terms; understand the business case for sustainability; implement sustainability initiatives in the workplace (such as a sustainability hackathon) and contribute to key conversations that can influence sustainability in your organisation.
Vyra is an edtech company that is changing the landscape for businesses, enabling them to unlock the potential of company-wide, collaborative learning in order to build long-lasting, sustainably-led companies. Organisations globally are under increasing pressure to adapt to climate change. Yet, the majority of the boardroom right down to employee-level don't have the basic education to even have an informed conversation about sustainability or achieving net-zero carbon emissions!? This is where Vyra comes in.. We enable highly engaged teams through our sustainability learning platform to make better decisions in the workplace and in the community. Vyra fuels the sustainability conversation from within companies.