CPD Events

The Fraud Prevention Summit and Exhibition 2016: Protecting the public sector from error and fraud

28 Sep 2016

About the event

Fraud costs public services around Ł21 billion every year. The government has released a variety of strategies to combat this problem; including the Fraud and Error Reduction Incentivise Scheme and Fighting Fraud & Corruption Locally 2016. This event will provide exclusive insights from professionals in fraud prevention practice and policy on a variety of topics. Delegates can attend presentations by leading figures in public sector fraud; quiz experts in keynote discussion panels; hear real life examples of fraud prevention best practice; see innovative technology in action; and network with others in the field.

CPD Provider

Salford Professional Development

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Salford Professional Development

Salford Professional Development

Salford Professional Development is a leader in conferences and events. Our events provide a platform for learning and networking. Every year, thousands of delegates attend our conferences from across the public and private sector, particularly representatives from local authorities, government departments and agencies, criminal justice departments (including the police and courts), NHS, education providers, housing associations, charities and the private sector.