CPD - Best Diversity and Inclusion Courses

CPD - Best Diversity and Inclusion Courses

07 Sep 2023

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As the world becomes more interconnected and organisations become globalised, the need for diversity and inclusion in the workplace is more essential than ever. Businesses are increasingly recognising the value of D&I in their employees, and demand for skilled professionals continues to grow. In this article, we will explore the potential career paths and benefits for those looking to undertake a diversity and inclusion CPD course.

What is Diversity and Inclusion? 

Diversity and inclusion involves bringing together individuals with a wide range of backgrounds, perspectives, and life experiences. It encompasses fostering an environment where everyone, irrespective of their background, abilities, ethnicity, race, age, sexual orientation, or gender, feels welcomed, valued, respected and included. This typically consists of recognising, embracing and harnessing the talents and unique qualities each person can bring. Not only is D&I an important aspect to incorporate into each workplace but also within society as it can help to ensure fairness and equality for all. 

What is the difference between Diversity and Inclusion, Equality and Equity?

Diversity and inclusion has also been referred to as diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) or more recently diversity, equity and inclusion. These terms are often used interchangeably, although there are some key differences that we have outlined below. 

  • Equality is the fair treatment of everyone having access to the same resources and opportunities. In the UK, this is often linked to the 2010 Equality Act.
  • Equity recognises that we do not all have the same starting point or circumstances. For example, different people may need to be allocated extra resources so that everyone can have an equal outcome. Adjustments may need to be made so that any imbalances are addressed.
  • Diversity is the mix of people from different backgrounds, ages, ethnicities, sexualities, etc.
  • Inclusion is the harnessing and embracing of a variety of cultures and backgrounds to ensure that individuals feel respected and valued. This ensures that people have the opportunity to work in a way that accommodates their needs, whilst still being able to deliver on an organisation’s business goals.

Why is Diversity and Inclusion Important?

Not only is diversity and inclusion important in wider society, but it can bring many benefits to organisations, including: 

Enhanced Innovation: diverse teams from a range of backgrounds and perspectives leads to more creative problem solving and innovation. The collaboration of people from different cultures and experiences working together can help to generate varying ideas and the ability to understand things from another viewpoint will highlight any potential pitfalls.

Increased Market Share: Organisations with a D&I priority tend to understand their customer base. This can lead to increased market share and enhanced insights as the organisation can more effectively cater to and understand their customers’ needs and preferences.

Improved Workforce Retention: Effective working relationships can make people feel respected and valued, meaning that they are more likely to stay in their roles. For the employer, a happy workforce will increase productivity and loyalty. For the employee, an inclusive workplace open to different perspectives will be an encouraging positive experience, fostering a sense of belonging.

Importance of diversity and inclusion for businesses

Social Responsibility: Embracing diversity and inclusion is not only good for organisations but it is also increasingly becoming a matter of social responsibility. Encouraging equity and inclusion can promote or help with creating a more just, fairer society for all.

Legal Obligations: Many countries have laws in place that include requirements related to diversity and preventing discrimination in the workplace. In general, these can ensure that all employees are treated with equal respect and opportunities. Employers and HR Managers should always make sure that any legal obligations are being met.

What Roles Can You Pursue Following a Diversity and Inclusion CPD course?

The area of diversity and inclusion is ever growing and offers a wide range of career opportunities. As previously mentioned, many countries now have workplace equality laws which employers must adhere to. This means there are a plethora of opportunities across all industries.

Although formal qualifications may not be mandatory for entry level positions, specifically within diversity and inclusion, having a broad amount of relevant knowledge and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training may be valuable to enhancing your career prospects. Here are some potential roles which you could pursue following a diversity and inclusion CPD course.

  • Human Resources Manager

HR Managers play a vital role in shaping an organisation’s workforce and an inclusive workplace. It is their responsibility to ensure that hiring policies and practices are in line with legal requirements and that workplace culture and D&I goals are aligned.

  • Diversity and Inclusion Specialist/Manager

Diversity and inclusion specialists work closely with the human resources team, often focusing on an organisation’s overall diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies, programs, advancements, and retention.

  • Diversity Trainers / Educators

Educators and trainers develop and deliver programmes that educate individuals on the importance of diversity and inclusiveness. They organise and facilitate workshops, discussions and talks to promote D&I.

  • Diversity Consultants

Diversity consultants often work with organisations to help enhance their D&I practices. They examine the organisation’s current practices, recommend improvements that could be made and offer guidance on the implementation of these changes.

  • Equality Officers

Equality officers ensure that organisations comply with their legal obligations and anti-discrimination laws and policies. They investigate complaints and work to resolve harassment and discrimination issues.

  • Outreach Coordinator

Many groups and charities have outreach coordinators who work with the wider community to help them with their D&I objectives. They may organise talks, workshops and implement diversity and inclusion programmes.

Benefits of taking a Diversity and Inclusion CPD Course

Taking a diversity and inclusion CPD course can provide a number of benefits, whether you are aspiring to start working in this area or want to further enhance your existing skillset. Here are just a few of the reasons why you should consider taking a D&I course.

  1. In Demand Skills: The demand for D&I professionals is on the rise and acquiring these skills and knowledge through both formal and informal CPD training courses can open up numerous career opportunities. 
  2. Leadership Growth: Understanding D&I is a crucial aspect for effective leadership as this requires empathy. Obtaining relevant knowledge and skills in diversity and inclusion through a CPD course will allow you to build a diverse, dynamic team.
  3. Cultural Competence: In a globalised, interconnected world, insights into various backgrounds and perspectives is becoming even more valuable. CPD courses can teach you to see things from other people’s point of view and keep up to date with latest diversity and inclusion changes.
  4. Social Impact: Working in diversity and inclusion can be challenging as it often questions unconscious bias. CPD courses can be very rewarding as they often involve networking with different individuals. This can help you to understand the impact of D&I, enabling you to contribute to societal change and make a better future.
  5. Personal Growth: Self-reflection and personal growth is regularly encouraged through Continuing Professional Development (CPD) when taking a diversity and inclusion course. This process can enable us to become more aware of our own prejudices or biases, and gain enhanced insights.
Benefits of diversity and inclusion CPD courses

What are the best Diversity and Inclusion CPD Courses?

If you wish to learn more about diversity and inclusion, a CPD course may benefit your career. There are many online and blended options available, giving you the opportunity to upskill in your own time and pace to fit your availability and timescale. CPD courses in diversity and inclusion are a great way for organisations to introduce suitable learning to their workforce and will also ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities towards D&I.

Participating in CPD diversity and inclusion training courses and events will allow you to benefit from the knowledge of experts in the field. As the area of diversity and inclusion is rapidly expanding, there is an ever-growing amount of relevant CPD diversity & inclusion courses available.

A key selection of these can be found within our CPD Courses Catalogue. All the certified training has been reviewed and recognised as meeting the required industry standards and benchmarks. To find out more about a diversity and inclusion course, you can complete a simple enquiry form that will be sent directly to the relevant CPD Provider.

How to become a CPD accredited training provider

We hope this article was helpful. Established in 1996, The CPD Certification Service is the world’s leading and largest CPD accreditation organisation working across all industry sectors. If you are looking to provide training courses, workshops, conferences, seminars, eLearning or educational events that may be suitable for Continuing Professional Development, please visit the Become a CPD Provider page or contact our team to discuss in more detail.

Alternatively, if you are looking for a free online CPD record tool to help manage, track and log your ongoing learning, as well as store your professional training records and attendance certificates in one simple place, go to the myCPD Portal page.

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