The Intricate Link between Health, Nutrition, and Neurodivergence

The Intricate Link between Health, Nutrition, and Neurodivergence

20 Jul 2023

NEDDE Training

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This informal CPD article ‘The Intricate Link between Health, Nutrition, and Neurodivergence’, was provided by NEDDE Training, a pioneering and innovative company who are experts in the field of both Neurodiversity and Eating Disorders.

The connection between health and nutrition is intricate, requiring personalized approaches for every individual. While we readily reach for vitamin C and zinc to boost our immunity during a cold, we often neglect the importance of nourishing our cognitive functions and brain health when experiencing brain fog, increased anxiety, or mood fluctuations.

In today's world, a significant number of people are either underfed and undernourished or overfed and undernourished, and when neurodivergence comes into play, the complexity of symptoms and their variations intensifies. This article explores the impact of nutrition on neurodivergent individuals, shedding light on the connection between genetic predispositions, nutrient imbalances, and brain chemistry.

Neurodivergence and Eating Disorders

Research indicates that individuals diagnosed with autism are disproportionately vulnerable to eating disorders. This vulnerability can be attributed, in part, to alexithymia, a condition characterized by difficulty in identifying and expressing emotions. Alexithymia is positively associated with disordered eating attitudes, emotional eating, and eating in the absence of hunger. Additionally, individuals with ADHD are prone to addictive, impulsive, and compulsive behaviours, increasing their susceptibility to binge eating disorders.

Although genetics play a role in these conditions, they are not the sole determinants of outcome. Nutrition and lifestyle modifications can modify genetic predispositions, offering a glimmer of hope for those affected.

The Individual Approach

To effectively address the complex relationship between nutrition and neurodivergence, it is crucial to consider each person as an individual. By understanding the genetic influences at play and rectifying nutrient and brain chemistry imbalances through appropriate nutritional interventions, we can provide a jump start for clients. This approach empowers individuals to better engage in therapy or treatment, fostering hope, clarity, and optimism.

Modifying Genetic Predispositions

Genes provide indications of pre-dispositions or risks, but they do not seal one's fate. Nutrition and lifestyle choices have the potential to modify genetic expressions and influence health outcomes. By targeting specific nutritional interventions, such as optimizing nutrient intake, addressing deficiencies, and balancing neurotransmitter function, we can positively impact an individual's well-being. This tailored approach recognizes the unique needs and challenges faced by neurodivergent individuals, helping them navigate their journey towards improved health.

Balancing Brain Chemistry

Neurotransmitters play a crucial role in brain function and overall mental well-being. Imbalances in neurotransmitter levels can contribute to a range of cognitive and emotional issues. Proper nutrition can help restore these imbalances and support optimal brain chemistry. Essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, magnesium, and antioxidants are essential for cognitive health and can aid in reducing symptoms such as brain fog, anxiety, and mood fluctuations.

A Collaborative Approach

Addressing the intricate relationship between nutrition and neurodivergence requires a collaborative effort. Healthcare professionals, therapists, and nutritionists can work together to develop comprehensive treatment plans that integrate both therapeutic interventions and personalized nutritional strategies. This holistic approach ensures that individuals receive the necessary support to improve their overall well-being and enhance their quality of life.


Recognizing the complex interplay between health, nutrition, and neurodivergence is crucial for promoting optimal well-being. By addressing nutrient imbalances, genetic predispositions, and brain chemistry through personalized nutritional interventions, we can empower neurodivergent individuals to overcome challenges and participate fully in their therapy or treatment. The journey towards better health is unique for each person, and by embracing an individualized approach, we pave the way for hope, clarity, and optimism.

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