The value of being a mentee

The value of being a mentee

03 May 2024


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This informal CPD article, ‘The value of being a mentee’, was provided by Linda James MBE, founder of BulliesOut, one of the UK’s most dedicated and ambitious anti-bullying charities.

Mentoring is a useful tool for personal as well as professional growth. It's a relationship where an individual (the mentor) who tends to have more experience, shares their knowledge and experience with the mentee. What you get is a partnership in which both partners learn and grow, as well as an opportunity to build your individual network further.

As a mentee, you can gain invaluable insight and knowledge through learning from a mentor’s experiences. On the other hand, a mentor is able to get the experience of helping you identify your goals. Its an opportunity to help navigate your current challenges as well as develop and hone your skills further.

Approaching a potential mentor as a mentee

Many employers will have in-house mentoring programmes that you can apply for. However, you may also seek out a mentor yourself. Professional online platforms are useful to do this. If you come across someone you think would be interested in mentoring, maybe they are even expressing an interest in being a mentor on their online profile, there is no harm in popping them a message.

Establishing a mentoring partnership

If you contact a possible mentor, then arranging a half-hour initial pre-mentoring chat would be advised. This is so you can see whether this partnership will be a good match and establish expectations. It might also mean setting boundaries of what you intend to discuss with your mentor.

If you establish a clear agenda and have set goals, then you can begin formalising meetings with your mentor. Be conscious that mentors can be busy individuals so always be respectful of their time and be punctual and on time for your meetings.

Benefits of being a mentee

There are many benefits to being a mentee. You are gaining insights into an individual’s experiences, and lessons they have learnt along the way, as well as gaining neutral advice. You may want to consider this neutrality rather than someone who is working closely with you or knows you. This neutrality can then offer you fresh and outside perspectives.

Additionally, the benefits of being a mentee could give you:

  • further personal development,
  • help you identify and set out clear personal and career goals,
  • increase your overall confidence,
  • a neutral critique of your projects, and showing ways on how you can improve and develop your work and yourself further,
  • access to a senior role model,
  • a way to develop your own mentoring and coaching skills.

This partnership is an invaluable experience for both the mentor and mentee in which both partners are set to gain. By fostering a supportive and collaborative relationship, mentors and mentees can embark on a shared journey of learning, growth, and development. This will have a positive impact on both involved in the partnership’s personal and professional lives.  

Once the partnership comes to an end, you may want to keep them in your network if appropriate. In the future, it could be a good opportunity to reflect on this partnership and the mentor/mentee experience, and how it impacted your progression.

We hope this article was helpful. For more information from BulliesOut, please visit their CPD Member Directory page. Alternatively, you can go to the CPD Industry Hubs for more articles, courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements. 

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For more information from BulliesOut, please visit their CPD Member Directory page. Alternatively please visit the CPD Industry Hubs for more CPD articles, courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

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