CPD Courses

Parent Peer Support to meet and work with professionals to make plans to overcome Barriers to School Attendance

Webinar Define Fine

About the CPD course

We will review our introductory session about school distress / EBSA and barriers to attendance relating to SEN; physical or mental illness. Explain the importance of acknowledging difficulties and the impact of describing children as “fine in school”. With focus on: The support parent carers may need to work with professionals and why; Relevant up to date government guidance and share our Define Fine Guide for parents and professionals; Preparing for meetings and methods to support effective communication; When and how to complain if things go wrong. And finish with a reminder of importance of SELF care.

CPD Provider

Define Fine

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Define Fine

Define Fine

Define Fine is a national parent carer led peer support organisation. Our team all have lived experience of children and young people with school attendance difficulties, sometimes referred to as EBSA: Emotionally Based School Avoidance - linked to unmet Special Educational Needs & Disabilities including physical or mental health, either suspected or diagnosed, bullying, issues relating to academic pressure, or even the school environment. 

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