CPD tips - How to write an email that will grab your reader’s attention

CPD tips - How to write an email that will grab your reader’s attention

31 May 2022

CPD News Team

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Ok, let’s start with a few honest truths - none of us read every email in our inbox, right? We’re all guilty of skimming the subject line, glancing at the preview and if it’s nothing important or of interest, we swipe left and, just like that, gone!

As consumers, this is perfectly understandable. But, as a brand, we want to be one of the emails that get opened, explored, and, hopefully, lead to a click or an action. We don’t want to be one of those that are swiped away, never to be seen again.

So, what do you have to do to ensure you end up on the ‘keep’ pile?

Know your audience

If you’re selling something or hoping for a reaction following your email, you’ve done some audience research. If not, don’t panic; there are plenty of courses that take you through this critical process and get you ready to start speaking to your target audience. You’ll find a selection of them on our website here.

If you know your target audience, you’ll have an idea of what they want to hear, what’s important to them, and what will draw them in. This will affect your tone of voice, specifically your word choices in your subject line, and, ultimately, how you approach the topic of your email.

Create a punchy subject line

As we mentioned earlier, the subject line is key for drawing people in. It’s like a first impression; you want to make the right one so that people are more inclined to chat with you and find out more about you.

Also, bear in mind that most people check their emails on mobile now, which reduces the size of the subject line and preview even more. This means you need to draw people in using a short, simple message. Mailchimp recommends that the subject line is no longer than nine words in length - shorter than this if possible.

So, what’s the most important thing you’re saying in the email? Is there an incentive for the audience to open? How will their life change or day get better if they open this email? Remember, people love to be nosey and like to know that they’re gaining something from doing something, so tell them how it will benefit them… in a couple of words!

One thing to note here is that you can A/B test subject lines on most email service providers and monitor the performance. So, if you don’t hit the nail on the head the first time, don’t worry; you’ve tested another option that might perform better!  

There are loads of hints and tips for creating punchy subject lines (that’s a whole other blog in itself), but we do host numerous courses on behalf of our members that detail email writing and, more specifically, how to create a hook with your subject line.

How to write an email effectively

Format your email in a logical order

If your reader has opened your email (congratulations!), then there’s still a chance they’ll read the first couple of lines and skip off before taking any action. To avoid this from happening, structure your email so that the most important information comes first, followed by a CTA (call to action) at the very beginning. This means if you have any readers who like to head off before the end, you’ll have essential information in there first and hopefully encourage them to click or act.

After giving the essential details, use the rest of the email to explain further and add context while still threading through the same CTA.

For example, if your email is about a new product, the new product and its benefits should be talked about first, followed by the usage occasion and some potential recipes. This way, your audience understands the aim of the email; they’ve learned something new, and even if they don’t know how to use it yet, they have a mental image of the new product in their head, so they will hopefully recognise this when seen again, increasing the chances of purchase.

Give your audience instructions

Nobody likes to play mind games, especially not when you’re sitting on a train, flicking through emails at 7am, so tell the reader what you’d like them to do. What action would you like them to take from this email? Purchase, click, follow? Make sure this action is evident throughout the email (without being overpowering) and positioned throughout so that it can be easily seen.

To find out more about how to write an email effectively, please search our CPD Courses Catalogue where you can find thousands of different courses, events, conferences, workshops and seminars that have been formally CPD certified. Established in 1996, The CPD Certification Service is the largest and leading independent Continuing Professional Development accreditation organisation working across all industry sectors.

We hope this article was helpful. If you are looking to become a CPD Provider, please contact our team to discuss your requirements in more detail. Alternatively if you are looking to record your CPD, please go to the myCPD Portal where you can manage, track and log your learning in one simple place.

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