How savvy professionals and businesses harnessed the power of knowledge for growth

How savvy professionals and businesses harnessed the power of knowledge for growth

22 Dec 2022

BBS Consulting Group

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This informal CPD article, ‘How savvy professionals and businesses harnessed the power of knowledge for growth’, was provided by Irene A. Agunbiade, of BBS Consulting, a management consulting firm that works with companies to create sustainable business growth.

Knowledge for Growth

The Covid-19 pandemic was a time of great challenges that brought about a lot of changes, to individual lives, families, communities, and to society.

One of the numerous changes is that, whilst people were in lockdown, unable to go around as freely as they normally would have, they also had a lot of spare time to review their lives and to plan for the future. Whilst there had undoubtedly been plans before this time, there arose an urgency, and a new drive and determination to do things that had been left undone due to time and opportunity constraints and to improve on things.

There was an urge to live better and to achieve more. Nothing drove this point home more than the numerous webinars that took place during this period. In fact, such was the sheer scale of educational virtual meetings that, online video meetings platforms experienced massive growth.

The online platforms were not the only winners. Educational providers, trainers, speakers, teachers, online doctors, accountants, and consultants, were also among those who benefitted from the use of these innovative platforms, as well as the internet. There was a great need to find solutions to the prevailing challenges impacting efficient and productive working.

Many people embarked on professional and personal developmental training programs which have resulted in the acquisition of skills, career progression, on individual levels and growth on organisational levels. Now, years on, the increased awareness and need for personal and professional development has not waned. New ways of doing things have come to stay, with it, new mindset and approaches. For now at least.

Professional and personal development programs

Learning platforms evolved and the marketplace became more competitive, with good reason. Businesses were engaged in a battle to stay afloat. The scenario playing out in the marketplace is that of the survival of the fittest in almost every area of endeavour. Innovation, value, skills acquisition, and growth are the new order.

Technological advancement abound. Most of us found out that remote working was not only possible but could be productive and the way forward in a lot of instances. There was a mind-set shift and with it, more creative and innovative concepts sprang up. Many people felt, well, why not? And, in some of these cases, they paid off.

I know a few people who sadly, lost their jobs during the height of the pandemic challenges who have managed to embark on new business ventures and with these created new jobs for others. Just a few short months before, these same people had been employees with no notion of ever becoming employers of labour let alone within such a short period of time.

There has been a shift. Lifelong learning is a thing of the future for progression minded individuals and growth conscious business leaders.

Applied Knowledge is the value no individual or organisation can underestimate or do without. Individuals and businesses that upskilled are seeing gratifying and profitable results in their progression and bottom line. For those that haven’t yet harnessed the power of learning and knowledge to achieve human capital and organisational growth, it’s not too late.

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