Helplines Partnership

Helplines Partnership

Helplines Partnership is the membership body for organisations that provide information, support or advice via phone, email, text or online. We have around 350 members in the UK and internationally from large national charities to small local and specialist charities as well as some businesses. We are committed to supporting organisations that provide non-face-to-face advice, support and information to improve general wellbeing. We offer training, a Helplines Standard, and consultancy to help build sustainability and promote excellence, choice and accessibility for everyone.

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CPD Courses & Workshops


Level 1 Essential Helplines Skills

Helplines Partnership

Essential Helpline Skills is a foundation level course; recommended for those who are new to helplin...
Training Course

Level 2 Developing Helplines Skills

Helplines Partnership

Developing Helpline Skills is recommended for helpline workers; volunteers and call handlers who hav...
Training Course

Level 3 Advanced Helpline Skills

Helplines Partnership

Advanced Helpline Skills is recommended for helpline workers; volunteers and call handlers who have...
Training Course

Impact Practice and Measuring Outcomes for Helplin...

Helplines Partnership

How to capture; record and measure the impact of a helpline service can be a challenge for organisat...
Training Course

Level 1 - Essential Helpline Skills Online

Helplines Partnership

Essential Helpline Skills Online is a foundation level course; recommended for those who are new to...
Online Course

Level 2 - Developing Helpline Skills Online

Helplines Partnership

Developing Helpline Skills Online is recommended for helpline workers; volunteers and call handlers...
Online Course

Level 3 - Advanced Helpline Skills Online

Helplines Partnership

Advanced Helpline Skills Online is recommended for helpline workers; volunteers and call handlers wh...
Online Course

Responding to Suicidal Callers Training

Helplines Partnership

How to respond to service users who present with suicidal thoughts or plans is a common concern for...
Training Course

Vicarious Trauma: Resilience for a Healthy Workpla...

Helplines Partnership

The cumulative effects of handling emotional and distressing contacts can negatively impact on a per...
Online Course

Safeguarding for Helplines

Helplines Partnership

This course will help increase your knowledge and understanding of safeguarding; not only in the bro...
Training Course

Volunteer Management

Helplines Partnership

This course provides vital insights on why people volunteer whilst also exploring who best to manage...
Training Course

Digital Helpline Skills

Helplines Partnership

Digital-based support requires different approaches; understanding and techniques to telephone helpl...
Training Course

Managing Repeat Callers

Helplines Partnership

Utilising some of the techniques introduced in our three helpline skills courses but taking a more d...
Online Course
Helplines Partnership
Helplines Partnership Ruthlyn House 90 Lincoln Road, Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE1 2SP United Kingdom
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CPD Subsectors

Business Support
Charity & Non-Profit