CPD Courses


See the latest Safety & Welfare CPD courses from the Social Care industry

Showing 48 of 2,376 results

Safety Welfare

Crisis Leadership


Discover why leadership is crucial in a crisis and develop the skills you need to effectively naviga...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

PainChek Universal Full Training


The course is composed of a 2.5 hour online or F2F training delivered through a slide deck presentat...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Enhancing Professional Curiosity

Interface Enterprises

The course is for those looking to increase their awareness and understanding of the importance of p...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Mental Capacity Assessments and Best Interest Asse...

Alpha Health Care

Reviewing when MCA and BIA are to be completed and practice the skills of completing the forms using...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

What to Expect During a CQC Inspection

Blue Stream Academy Ltd

This module has been created to assist dental professionals in understanding the purpose of the CQC...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Freedom to Speak Up Guardian Foundation Training –...

Me Learning

Welcome to the Foundation Training for Freedom to Speak Up Guardians. This training will help you to...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Interviewing Skills

High Speed Training

This Interviewing Skills training course is designed to help managers improve their hiring process a...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Mental Health Awareness Training

Inayat Health and Wellbeing

The course aims to provide participants with a deeper understanding of mental health and mental illn...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Environmental Awareness

Me Learning

Environmental awareness is one of the largest global challenges we're currently facing; When it come...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Raising Awareness of Trafficking and Modern Slaver...

EduCare Learning

The purpose of this course is to help you understand: What modern slavery and trafficking are; Diffe...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Diversity and Equality

The Foster Carer Training Company

Every person is unique and has their own identity. Any foster child in your care will have needs; ma...
Online Course
Safety Welfare


Interface Enterprises

The course is for those looking to increase their awareness and understanding of neglect when workin...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Freedom to Speak Up Guardian Foundation Training P...

Me Learning

This course provides prospective Freedom to Speak Up Guardians with the information they need to get...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

CDM Regulations

High Speed Training

This CDM Regulations course is designed for key duty holders to provide an awareness of what they ar...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

GDPR for the HR Professional

Me Learning

On May 25th 2018; the UK Data Protection Act (DPA) will be replaced by the General Data Protection R...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Safeguarding in Sport

EduCare Learning

This course will help them understand what safeguarding is and; by recognising the indicators of saf...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Gang Awareness

The Foster Carer Training Company

The objective of this course is to understand the risks of gangs pose to children and how to deal wi...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Theory of Specialist Seating

Direct Healthcare Group

The aim of this course is to provide healthcare professionals with information on the following key...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Medication for care


The purpose of this course is to provide information about the rights of young adults with disabilit...
Training Course
Safety Welfare


Living Made Easy

This course has been developed specifically for young adults who may struggle with confidence. Espec...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Safeguarding Children and Young People Level 1

Community Action Redbridge

1 day training for employees and volunteers who are working with children and young people and have...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Anaphylaxis Awareness Training

High Speed Training

This Anaphylaxis Awareness course helps learners develop their awareness of what causes anaphylaxis;...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Children’s Human Rights: engaging in dialogue and...

Investing in Children

Investing in Children is a children’s human rights organisation. We support organisations to engage...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Safeguarding Young People (Colleges and Universiti...

EduCare Learning

Safeguarding Young People (Colleges and Universities); provides the key information needed to help r...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Moving; Lifting and Handling

The Foster Carer Training Company

Moving and lifting things are routine tasks but if not done correctly can cause severe harm to the b...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Mental Health Warrior® : Awareness Training

Mind Your Health

A 2-hour course that introduces the delegates to the key foundations of mental health and mental hea...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

DHR Chair Course

AAFDA (Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse)

This course is a guide for professionals who would like to Chair or Author a Domestic Homicide Revie...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Therapeutic Key Work Sessions: Rewrite the Future

Therapeutic Blueprint

This course serves as an introductory guide for adults employed in children's homes. Its primary aim...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Sexualised Behaviours

Consistent Quality Training

This course is to empower the delegates by improving their knowledge and understanding of sexualised...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Who’s in Charge?

Cathy Press (Awareness Matters)

Nine week course that has been developed to support parents and carers who have children who use vio...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Managing Volunteers in Your Organisation

Community Action Redbridge

1 day training for staff who are working with volunteers and wish to gain a better understanding of...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Performance Appraisal Training

High Speed Training

This Performance Appraisal Training course is designed for managers to improve their appraisal skill...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Investing in Children: Delivering the Agenda Day™...

Investing in Children

The Agenda Day™ model is a specific tool that we have developed for engaging children and young peop...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Cultural Capital

Childminding UK (CUK)

From September 2019 The Education Inspection Framework includes the term Cultural Capital for all ea...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Basic Oral Care

Blue Stream Academy Ltd

Basic oral care includes information on the different areas of the mouth as well as the different ty...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

School Exclusions for Head Teachers and Governors

EduCare Learning

This course covers the duties of head teachers and governing boards as laid out in the DfE Exclusion...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

How to Talk to Children About Racism

The Foster Carer Training Company

Racism is not an easy subject to talk about. Some carers would prefer to protect their children from...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Creative Connections in School

deep:black London

To provide a practical; creative and experiential exploration of building relationships in schools....
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Sustainable Building and Energy Efficiency Develop...


On this six-week course; you’ll develop your knowledge of sustainable building and energy-saving tec...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Safe Administration of Medication

Alpha Health Care

A training course discussing the principles of safe administration of medication using the NICE guid...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

First Responders to Liquid Spills Training Course

British Safety Industry Federation

The primary objective is to provide first responders at a spillage incident with the basic know-how...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Getting Your Story Told: Writing Press Releases

Community Action Redbridge

1 day training for employees/volunteers to understand how to write press release and use the media m...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Facilities Management

High Speed Training

This Facilities Management course is designed to help learners understand what's involved in the day...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Challenging Behaviour

Blue Stream Academy Ltd

Designed for health and social care staff: our Challenging Behaviour eLearning module offers compreh...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

Caring for a Child from Sudan or South Sudan

The Foster Carer Training Company

Between April 2019 and March 2020 3;463 unaccompanied minors arrived in the UK asking for asylum and...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

SDG 14: Global Action for Marine Conservation


On this six-week course; you’ll explore the challenges in achieving SDG 14 and potential solutions s...
Online Course
Safety Welfare

How to Develop a Strong Grant Application

Community Action Redbridge

1 day training for employees/volunteers to understand how to write more successful grant application...
Training Course
Safety Welfare

Social Media Marketing

High Speed Training

This Social Media Marketing training course is designed to provide learners with an understanding of...
Online Course